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As Seen in Realtor Magazine


Foreword from

"The Comp Adjustment Book"



The purpose of this book is to give real estate professionals an easy and accurate way to price real estate. The adjustments in the data sections of this book is designed to estimate the amount that the average market participant would be willing to pay for certain features, which influence value of a piece of real estate.

Many factors influence the value of any given piece of real estate. Even living to the east or west of the central business district will influence a property’s value. Many do not even realize that if they live to the west they have to drive to and from work with the sun in their eyes. Listing every possible adjustment and determining a value would be impossible. However, the most common adjustments used by real estate appraisers and other real estate professionals are listed in this book.

The data chapters in this book cover the adjustments for parking, heating/cooling systems, gross living area, bathrooms, age, basement type, basement finish, porches, patios and decks, and fireplaces, fences and sheds. Adjusting for bedrooms, cost-to-cure and closing cost paid by the seller are also covered. Each data chapter is broken into price ranges of $50,000,$100,000, $200,000, $350,000, $500,000, $750,000 and $1,000,000.

No matter where you live (except Alaska and Hawaii) you can find the amount of the adjustment needed for your unique situation. 


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