The process of a bankruptcy requires the debtor to create an expense report illustrating the net worth of their assets. In order to get a true reading of the value of their property, an appraisal is necessary. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to get the appraisal.

The bankruptcy process has several deadlines. Missing one deadline may postpone the court date and delay resolution. It is important to order a bankruptcy appraisal as soon as possible. I will work with your schedule to complete the report well before any deadlines. A simple call to us will keep the process on schedule and complete the requirements necessary for resolution.

The key in a bankruptcy proceeding, particularly when the difference between a chapter 7 or 13 is the credibility. Because the trustee and/or the judge will be the final arbiter, credibility of the appraiser and his or her appraisal is of the utmost importance. This credibility is often dependent upon the type of valuation reporting format utilized as well as the experience and reputation of the appraiser.

Typically, the judge wants to see a full appraisal completed by a state certified residential appraiser. An appraiser must be certified by the state in which they are appraising and are obligated to follow certain laws, rules and regulations (USPAP). Having a full interior appraisal to present to the trustee and/or judge will show that you are serious about your proceedings and that you are knowledgeable of the appropriate steps to take.

Our team of state certified residential appraisers are experienced in dealing with the requirements necessary to complete an appraisal for bankruptcy proceedings. We work quickly and efficiently and understand you are trusting us with a very important decision in your life!

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Bankruptcy Appraisals
Tax Grievance Appraisals
Estate Appraisals
Divorce Appraisals
Date of Death Valuation
Pre-Listing or PMI Removal
Pre-Purchase Appraisals
Expert Witness
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