Fee Schedule
Full Interior/Exterior Appraisal (Divorce, Bankruptcy, Tax Assessment Appeal, Estates, Buying/Selling) = $300
Full Appraisal with estimated value between $500,000 - $1,000,000 = $350
Full Appraisal with estimated value > $1,000,000 = $400
Single Family URAR Conventional loan Refinance or Purchase = $300
FHA Single Family URAR = $350
Condo Appraisals $350
Exterior Only - Drive-By appraisal = $275
Operating Income Statement (form 216) = $100
Land Appraisal < 1 acre - residential site = $ 275
Land Appraisal between 1 and 5 acres = $300
Land Appraisal between 5 and 20 acres = $325
Land Appraisal over 20 acres = $350
Income properties with rent survey included
Single Family income property = $400
Multi Family full Appraisal 2-Unit = $400
Multi Family full Appraisal 3-Unit = $450
Multi Family full Appraisal 2-Unit = $500
Complex, Commercial and Industrial Appraisals - Depending on the complexity and time required to complete the assignment = Call for Fee Quote